Gender Non Conforming Boudoir

In my opinion, one of the best parts about being queer is redefining how we live and represent ourselves.

We know the world is complex and expansive and we can determine success and happiness as we see fit. There’s no road map or timeline we need to follow. We are liberated from the status quo.

So with all the possibilities available in the universe, how do we narrow it down to choosing your look? I use a few questions in my initial conversation with clients that I’d like to share with you.

“How do you want to feel when you see your images?”

This helps me narrow down how you’d like to be perceived. There’s different techniques I can use, as your photographer, to inspire and capture those qualities.

In this session, Natalia wanted to feel powerful, confident, and playfully sassy. When they received their photos, they told me they’ve never felt so seen.

“Name 3-5 things that are hot to you.”

This could be a color, fabric, earth element, body part, etc.

Natalia mentioned they think a balance of hard and soft, red lips, leather, and metal chains are hot. That helped us but together this outfit.

“How do you want to express your gender?”

We are aiming for gender euphoria, so having an idea of what that might look like is a helpful start.


Let’s Barter


Abolish the Binary